
Manage your daily tasks in the command line

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Nodo is a command line TODO application that uses a portable database file. Also, if you are a Wunderlist user, you can configure Nodo to be a command line interface to Wunderlist's database (only for Wunderlist 1.*).

The name "Nodo" comes from the mix of the words Node and TODO.



Nodo is available as a package in the npm registry, so you can install it with:

npm install -g nodo

At install, Nodo creates a default configuration file (~/.nodorc) and a default local database (~/.nodo.db) with some sample tasks just to get you started. You can rename and/or move you database file as long as you update your config file to reflect it's current location.

Using Wunderlist database (only for Wunderlist 1.*)

I you wan't to use the Wunderlist database with Nodo you need to edit the config file and make sure that the database location parameter has the Wunderlist database file path. For instance in Mac OSX, the Wunderlist database file is at ~/Library/Wunderlist/wunderlist.db, so just make your config file look like this:

    "database": {
        "location": "~/Library/Wunderlist/wunderlist.db",

And you'll be all set to organize your day like a hacker!

Important: Nodo does not delete any data in the Wunderlist database. Even if you delete tasks, they are just marked as deleted, and can be recovered with the nodo restore command.


Usage: nodo <action> [arguments]

  Available actions and options:
    nodo show                        Show all lists and tasks todo
    nodo show all                    Same as above
    nodo show lists                  Show all lists and number of tasks in each one.
    nodo show <list_name>            Show content of list
    nodo show done                   Show all done tasks
    nodo show deleted                Show all deleted tasks
    nodo show task <task_id>         Show detail of a task

    nodo add list <list_name>        Add a new list
    nodo add <list_name> <task_name> Add a new task to list

    nodo done <task_id>              Mark a task as done
    nodo undo <task_id>              Mark a task as not done

    nodo star <task_id>              Mark a task as important
    nodo unstar <task_id>            Mark a task as not important

    nodo move <task_id> <list_name>  Moves a task to a list

    nodo delete list <list_name>     Delete list
    nodo delete task <task_id>       Delete task

    nodo restore <task_id>           Restore task
    nodo restore task <task_id>      Restore task
    nodo restore list <list_name>    Restore list

Bug Report

Nodo is in it's early versions. If you find any problems using Nodo, please report them back to me by opening an issue on Github.



Rogério Vicente -


Thanks to:


Nodo is licensed under the MIT License. Please read it here.